Hey there, Leah here. I'm starting this blog to give myself a little more freedom. I have a ridiculous amount of dog-knowledge stored in my head, and I'd love to share it with everyone. Unfortunately time restraints usually force me to give the shortest "here's how to fix ____ problem" answer, but I'd love to help the public figure out why. Dogs are not complex, they have a willingness to work (if you teach them), and they are brilliant and have a potential many people do not expect. Once you figure out how their minds work, you can understand the communication barrier that separates man and dog, and learn how to cross it, ending the frustration.
That being said, I hate lectures. I'd love for this blog to become almost a forum, with open communication encouraged. You have questions, and I have answers. I'd like to make this a place to recommend training exercises, new dog treat recipes, my favorite products, and anything else dog-related. So please, give me some inspiration, and no, I will not accept the dog-ate-my homework excuse ;)
PS My goal in the next year is to write a book, so I'm dabbling in the blogging world. Dog training is best done in a hands-on type medium, so I'm curious to find out what people would be interested in reading. So in advance, thank you for being my guinea pigs. :) Check me out on the web!
A book! How neat!